Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Life is fragile

I didn't write for a few days and my thoughts are jumbled right now. My next door neighbour was killed in a motorcycle accident last Thursday. He just retired three months ago and was finally enjoying life, living his dreams, after years of hard work. As I am trying to be objective about Avian Flu and all the media hoopla over it, I find that life is so fragile. One instant you are here and the next you are gone.

Why I am furious at the Avian Flu hoaxsters (if there is such a word) is because they turn the world's attention to a situation which is very minor even though tragic, when compared to the real pandemics of the world such as the HIV/AIDS in Africa, the famines and poor living conditions in more than half of the world. People who distract us from where the real needs are in order to make a profit are criminals and should be brought to justice just as Saddam Hussein is, for crimes against humanity.

Maybe, it's the death of my good neighbour leaving behind his wife and kids, that affects me right now. I'll try to get back soon to my thoughts on Avian Flu and the hoax I believe hides underneath it all, but I'm too shaken up.

See you soon.


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