Saturday, December 05, 2009

Questions on Homeopathy and Influenza

I've had a few questions related to homeopathy and influenza. I have to admit that I am not an expert in homeopathy, just a believer. My family and I are now under the care of a homeopath. While everybody in our area was lining up in the cold for hours while swearing and cursing at the inefficiency of the government in planning these vaccination clinics, I got my three little pills without waiting, mixed them with water and had everyone in our household take a teaspoon of the mixture. We'll go back for a second dose of it in January and repeat the process. Everybody around us at work, at school, at church and in the neighbourhood either had the vaccine or where sick but none of us had any of the symptoms exerted by so many. We didn't miss work, we didn't miss school (to the regret of at least one member of the family), and we go on with our normal business.

All of that for about $20.00 Canadian.

I can't tell you how it works, but it does. If you want more on homeopathy and influenza check this web site:

For the person who wants to get rid of the Tamiflu already in her body, I would suggest you contact my homeopath if there isn't one in your area. Her name is Karen Jonas, check the web site for contact information. You can mention my name and my blog she will be happy that someone contacted her through this means.

By the way, I hate needles and not having to go through the pain of a vaccine is an added bonus to be considered.

No hoax there.

Alain Normand