Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Research dispells myths

I said that there is no proof that Avian Influenza can mutate to become a virus transmissible from human to human. Actually every scientific experiment that was done so far prove exactly the opposite.

Avian Flu is not the cause of the historical pandemics, Swine Flu is. You don't believe me, then see the results presented in the medical journals for yourself:

Pigs are the usual mixing vessel
National Center for Biotechnology Information
Journal of Virology

Research proves that without the inclusion of pigs in the equation the Influenza Virus does not get transmitted from human to human
Journal of Virology

Avian Flu does not mutate into a form that is easily transmissible from human to human. Here is the research on that:

Test on humans volunteers shows that humans are actually resistant to most avian influenza
Archives of Virology

Avian Flu test on animals that have similar compatibility as humans actually fail to produce any kind of infectious propagation of disease. And the articles demonstrate that they tried very hard to make it happen. It just didn't because it can't.

Failure of avian influenza to replicate in ferrets
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
Centre for Infectious Disease Research and Policy

Failure of avian influenza virus to replicate in primates
National Center for Biotechnology Information
Journal of Virology

So here it is. The only Influenza Pandemic that is likely to occur is the one that will start in swine, not birds. The Avian Flu Pandemic scare is a hoax.

Keep checking back for more proof and more data.

Alain Normand

P.S. My book "The Return of the Spanish Lady: the 1918 Influenza Virus is Back" presents the scenario of an Influenza Virus based on swine flu. The avian flu is not even in the equation. Get the book at or, also at Barnes and Nobles or Chapters-Indigo.

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